people!!!! labuan is under a curse!!! seriously....haha no la but there is something or some incident that make me think like dat...every single day here the internet connection line streamyx , wireless, and all other connection that have related to internet will be disconnect at exactly 12.00am!!!!every single day for almost a week!!! what have happen?! haha i duno but wen my friend call da celcom center to ask,they say that it may be... MAY BE have something to do with the technician not the technical problem the technician the person in charge ...a question there anybody work at 12 in the morning??? is that make sense?? haha sure don't on my way bec for meeting jz now ive been thinking may be its not the technician..may be they try to cover up something...who knows may be there is a fight between 2 people in the server room and then one of them was killed at exactly 12.00am!!!! so the spirit was not rest at peace...and haunted the server room??? then i remember a japanese story "One Miss Call" the mysterious incident happen at the same time everyday...
so people that is only my prediction...duno its true o not haha....may be there really some prob lar almost 12.00am so i think i got to go...haha...really a curse...CURSE....CURSE....CURSE!!!!!